5 Indoor Plants You Need to Bring Home Today

Nothing adds more beauty, freshness and comfort to our homes than indoor plants’ lush foliage and flowers. Whether it’s a bathroom, bedroom, home office or kitchen, there’s no space that a houseplant can’t enliven and brighten. With just ample light and water, you’ve got a growing indoor oasis, ready to uplift your mood and your décor.


By adding plants into your homes, you get aesthetically pleasing elements and health-improving benefits! Indoor plants are known to keep you healthier and happier. They reduce fatigue, enhance focus, lower stress and anxiety, improve air quality, and boost healing and pain tolerance.


Whether you’re a newbie to the home garden space or have some experience and want to bloom your houseplants further, we have a list of the top 5 plants to bring home today!


1. Snake Plant



If you don’t have experience taking care of an indoor plant, go for the snake plant. It’s a super easy-to-handle succulent, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, which refers to the pointed leaf tips, symbolising the sharp tongue of the mother-in-law! The snake plant is known to filter toxic gases, releasing a lot of oxygen at night, helping you breathe better when you’re asleep. The ideal place for a snake plant is in the bedroom.


Care Tip – Don’t overwater the plant as the roots can rot in moist soil.

2. Peace Lily



Peace lilies have a distinctive, eye-catching white blossom. The plant is excellent at removing air pollutants; NASA research shows peace lilies can effectively remove benzene and trichloroethylene, common contaminants in homes and offices. They can improve air quality by 60% and keep your shower curtains and tiles free from mildew. Peace lilies are known to bring good luck and symbolise prosperity – perfect for your home, right?


Care Tip – Water the plant once a week and keep it in indirect sunlight.

3. Aloe Vera



Aloe Vera is a super-plant in the league of indoor plants, and there’s nothing this succulent can’t do! It’s a perennial plant good for your skin and has many medicinal benefits as a herb. In addition, it’s one of the top indoor plants to purify the air as it removes formaldehyde and benzene from the air and releases oxygen at night.


Care Tip – Water the plant every 2-3 weeks and keep it in sunlight.

4. Spider Plant



If you’re a houseplant novice, spider plants are a great option as it’s one of the easiest indoor plants to grow. Furthermore, they are known to improve air quality, and it’s one of the best plants for oxygen. In addition, spider plants spread happy vibes and help with stress and anxiety management. It’s a highly pet-friendly plant, so your furry friends will love it, too.


Care Tip – You can replant the tiny plants and spread them around your home.

5. Areca Palm



Amplify your interiors with this bright and leafy plant that works effectively as a humidifier. The big, bold leaves command attention and are an excellent piece to add to your living room décor. You can plant the palm in a small container so that the crowded roots limit the size of the plant.


Care Tip – They need indirect light from a south or west-facing window. Avoid direct sunlight.


Add these easy-to-maintain and pretty-looking indoor plants to your homes and enjoy better air quality, brighter rooms and happier smiles!


At Bakeri Group, we invite you to explore residences high on natural air and sunlight for maximum health benefits and radiant vibes! So let us know which houseplant you want to include in your new apartment?

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